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Meet The Founder

Her first mission trip abroad in 2008 changed her life. Upset and unsettled by the sheer poverty she saw, she could not sleep for days. Each subsequent life changing mission trip throughout the years has unsettled her even further and into action.


She sees the massive potential in each child and young lady she has met during her missions throughout the years. Just like looking into a mirror, they are extensions of herself. Imagine if they had been given half the opportunities she had, they would be capable of achieving so much more than she ever could in this lifetime. 


Career wise, she is a full-time Risk Management professional who has made significant contributions in the area of conflicts resolution. 

She volunteers her time with infants and toddlers in Sunday School and sponsors 4 young children with Compassion Australia.


There is an adventurous side to her. She has tried tandem flying in Nepal, sky diving in Perth and has tried to learn how to ride the motorbike at one stage. She calls the beach her second home.


She mentors women of migrant, refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. She offers them the guidance and support they need to operate their own small business within Australia.


She sits on the board of the PinkCross Foundation in Australia. This organisation connects with, supports and educates people who have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual slavery and those seeking to transition out of the sex industry.


Her Handwork was birthed out of a long time desire to establish a safe house for women and children. Children and childhoods are at risk like never before. 


This social enterprise aims to help and impact children and young women who suffer in the worst imaginable ways, those who no one loves, no one knows exists, for those who find human love, care and comfort foreign, strange and unknown.


Speak Up. Be a voice, not an echo.

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